Copyright & Intelectual Rights
Triple R Composites was established back in 1998 and has been working within the modified car industry since then.
The entire Triple R Composites product range is covered either by Copyright Law, Intellectual Right Law or in some cases both. This also includes all images.
We have developed many items over the years and have also found the best ways to protect our designs.
We do NOT copy any other company's work and do NOT expect anyone to copy ours.
We regularly check E Bay, Owners club forums, Gumtree any many other both on and offline media for infringement of the above.
If you see anyone copying any of our products we want to know....
If we get a successful conviction you will receive a reward!!! (and we have more than once in the past).
A lot of time and effort goes into designing and developing new products and we WILL go to any measures to ensure our range of products is protected.
Anyone found to be producing copies of any of our products WILL be prosecuted.